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   11/24/2008 10:52 PM
posting in thread: (FPS ccg. worlds collide)
FPSccg Edition One 12-card promotional booster packs are now available from the FPSccg website. These limited print boosters contain four rares, four uncommons, and four commons. This distribution will not be repeated in future boosters. The full Edition One set contains 220 cards. 131 of these cards are available only in the boosters, 58 are available only in the theme decks, and 31 cards appear in both.

FPSccg brings the world of first-person-shooter video games to a fast-paced, easy to learn collectible card game. All theme decks, boosters, rules, card lists, and other information are available at the FPSccg website. FPSccg was developed by Johnson-Chilton Games, an independent company of gamers in Rolla, Missouri, and is printed by TMCards. FPSccg is not based on a specific licensed game, but is a proprietary title modeled after the entire FPS genre.
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