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member #637
   12/1/2008 12:46 PM
posting in thread: (Bad Intel, useless war)
Thank you for the declassifying of intelligence reports dems. It shows yet again there was no need to go into Iraq.

I think we can all agree it'sa a good time for some change
1. Peace out
2. Clanwars just lost a coder
3. i'm done here tbh
4. tbd

User Post Count: 9312 Registered: Thursday, March 2, 2006 IP: NA
member #637
   12/1/2008 5:51 PM
posting in thread: (Bad Intel, useless war)
And this:

1. Peace out
2. Clanwars just lost a coder
3. i'm done here tbh
4. tbd

User Post Count: 9312 Registered: Thursday, March 2, 2006 IP: NA

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