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member #47,159
   12/23/2014 12:32 PM
posting in thread: (AR vs UaS)
hi, we were recetntly AR'd by MIB, my partner Strong side is noob and he will be kicked now, i dont understand why you are ARing people in an inactive league, now i dont want to play annymore because of a stupid -500 pts? is there anyway we can bring tht back? i for one am reporting every match!! Any insight on this MrX?
User Post Count:  Registered:  IP: NA
member #47,159
   12/23/2014 12:43 PM
posting in thread: (AR vs UaS)
Please tell me there is a way to undo this tiny error? I also cant believe that all current Zero Hour players are little children running for their lives with points...
User Post Count:  Registered:  IP: NA
League Admin
   12/27/2014 4:25 PM
posting in thread: (AR vs UaS)
When you play in a league like this, you have to read the rules before you start playing in it. As I have told you already twice now you have 1 hour to report the match. Then match can be AR'ed. There is no way to get back the points from administration site. The only way is to play and win more cw games.
User Post Count: 143 Registered: Thursday, March 2, 2006 IP: NA

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