Oh lord. I honestly don’t even know why I feel the need to have to respond. I was just joking I played with/against soul for a long time. We used to rage and carry on and have a jolly good time. Soul’s famous quote was “quit doing that sh*t god damn”.
However I apologize Jtek, that I “read too far into your statement” and I never reached “that tier of high competitive clans” and am unable to understand how truly godlike Soul was, the guy who constantly died to his own c4 and was constantly without fail ran over by his own vehicle could possibly have been at renegade.
I am sorry if I offended the highlight of your life 10 years ago that you have to lurk the forums and constantly bring “old times” up. I have to use the word “lurk” because that’s exactly what you have been doing for the last 10 years. I can’t recall one clan you have been in, in the last 10 years yet you always seem to be posting on the forums.
LT, if you don’t know who I am then you haven’t played this game in the last decade.