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member #98
   3/16/2014 2:03 PM
posting in thread: (Circa 2004)
Thought this was interesting.  Audio from a time when some of the higher-tier players would throw in a cheat or two and screw around in ladder servers.  <3 Soul.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Edited By Antuus [ 3/16/2014 2:03:28 PM ]
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member #100
   3/16/2014 3:56 PM
posting in thread: (Circa 2004)
Soul high tier. That's a first. lol.
Quit doing that poop god damn.  
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member #98
   3/16/2014 10:41 PM
posting in thread: (Circa 2004)
oh noes, I said someone wasn't awful on the interwebs
I was making a general statement.  Don't read too far into it, Heat.  If I remember correctly, you weren't apart of the CW scene back when he was in that tier.  Right after the CWs and the OPS of the game quit and before the DoAs formed. 
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member #16
   3/17/2014 4:34 AM
posting in thread: (Circa 2004)
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member #97
   3/17/2014 2:51 PM
posting in thread: (Circa 2004)
Thanks for posting this - it's so crazy to hear these people's voices after all this time, especially soul. This stuff brings back so many memories lol. I remember Soul used to go dead quiet in clan wars for like 5-8 minutes at a time and no one would know where he was, and then randomly an enemy building would be dead.
Heat, what years did you play Renegade in the CW scene? Were you around back in the OPS/PAW/DoA etc days under a different name?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Edited By LTAssasaiN [ 3/17/2014 2:52:29 PM ]
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member #100
   3/17/2014 6:25 PM
posting in thread: (Circa 2004)

Oh lord. I honestly don’t even know why I feel the need to have to respond. I was just joking I played with/against soul for a long time. We used to rage and carry on and have a jolly good time. Soul’s famous quote was “quit doing that sh*t god damn”.

However I apologize Jtek, that I “read too far into your statement” and I never reached “that tier of high competitive clans” and am unable to understand how truly godlike Soul was, the guy who constantly died to his own c4 and was constantly without fail ran over by his own vehicle could possibly have been at renegade.

I am sorry if I offended the highlight of your life 10 years ago that you have to lurk the forums and constantly bring “old times” up. I have to use the word “lurk” because that’s exactly what you have been doing for the last 10 years. I can’t recall one clan you have been in, in the last 10 years yet you always seem to be posting on the forums.

LT, if you don’t know who I am then you haven’t played this game in the last decade.

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member #95
   3/17/2014 9:22 PM
posting in thread: (Circa 2004)
the gloves are off
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GoTWhìsKeÂ¥   rank: #1
member #1
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Just picked up win 50 this month
   3/18/2014 1:30 PM
posting in thread: (Circa 2004)
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member #98
   3/18/2014 7:40 PM
posting in thread: (Circa 2004)
 Woah.  You took my statement completely out of context.  If you thought I did the same, my bad.  I don't even understand what about my statement could have been remotely offensive to put you into attack mode.  I happen to hop on these forums every few years just to see what's going on.  If this is your definition of "lurking," then I guess you're right.  I just didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea that I was posting 10 year old stuff in a negative way.  I just thought it was neat.  I also never said you weren't in "that tier."  I just didn't know if you participated in any of the retarded shenanigans that some did.  I didn't want to just post some random clip of someone screwing around 10 years ago and someone take it out of context.
I was in a few clans, most notably, JTeK, who won the first CW cup, and won a cup with DoA around the time Aeonelite and Raven were in it.
Replying to post #6   3/17/2014 6:25 PM

quoting: Heat

Oh lord. I honestly don’t even know why I feel the need to have to respond. I was just joking I played with/against soul for a long time. We used to rage and carry on and have a jolly good time. Soul’s famous quote was “quit doing that sh*t god damn”.

However I apologize Jtek, that I “read too far into your statement” and I never reached “that tier of high competitive clans” and am unable to understand how truly godlike Soul was, the guy who constantly died to his own c4 and was constantly without fail ran over by his own vehicle could possibly have been at renegade.

I am sorry if I offended the highlight of your life 10 years ago that you have to lurk the forums and constantly bring “old times” up. I have to use the word “lurk” because that’s exactly what you have been doing for the last 10 years. I can’t recall one clan you have been in, in the last 10 years yet you always seem to be posting on the forums.

LT, if you don’t know who I am then you haven’t played this game in the last decade.

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member #98
   3/18/2014 7:41 PM
posting in thread: (Circa 2004)
No- I didn't take the links down... The server that I host that stuff on is going through maintenance.  It'll be back soon.
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member #58
   3/18/2014 8:49 PM
posting in thread: (Circa 2004)
Heat starting a flame war over nothing. Now that's the renegade smak forums I remember.
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member #97
   3/19/2014 8:31 AM
posting in thread: (Circa 2004)
I didn't mean to cause any issues either - I was just curious if I knew you from my time in Renegade. I haven't played Renegade in the last decade, so I guess I don't know who you are. 
What's wrong with bringing up old times anyway? These were friends we spent many hours with, just like you have with soul and others. We don't have a central place that we could find these people except for here, so it makes sense to come back here every so often and talk about our time in Renegade with those that still might be around. 
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member #98
   3/19/2014 9:08 PM
posting in thread: (Circa 2004)
Whiskey bringing up that audio on Soul is a reminder of how much fun we had on there.  This remains the best online gaming experience I've had online, and I've played WoW off and on since 2008.  (hardcore raiding- big community achievements, etc.)  I have no doubt that if the bugs get worked out of this game and the adoption rate continues to go up, that we'll have some more great CW ladders.
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member #21
   4/18/2014 12:47 PM
posting in thread: (Circa 2004)
hello everyone
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member #16
   4/24/2014 12:20 PM
posting in thread: (Circa 2004)
yo brad
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member #105
   4/25/2014 6:30 AM
posting in thread: (Circa 2004)
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