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Online...   Hunter
member #43,759
   7/11/2011 9:38 AM
posting in thread: ($1,000usd zero hour 1v1 Tournament, December 20th)
Details here: 
Tournament consists of these rules:
 DATE:  December 20th 2011
Rules: Refer to url above.
You will need three players to enter this 1v1 tournament, you must first win a 3v3, then a 2v2 (you select your 3v3 and 2v2 partners).
Then you will need to compete in a round robin 1v1's until we get the top four gamers.
 Then you will need to compete in another round robin (1v1's) to find out who is top two and bottom two.
Then you will need to compete in a 'first to four wins" challenge. to determine the winners.
First place is $1,000usd
Second place is $500usd
Third place is $250usd
All matches are observed by admins.
 If you fail to show up, we re-schedule around you, if you fail again, you forfeit your spot.
Make no mistake, this competition will determine the world's best EVER Command and conquer generals: Zero Hour gamer EVER.
 You have almost five months to practice for this tournament so do not let it be said that you did not receive full warning.
EDIT: Incase you are wondering about the credability of this tournament. Let me tell you a bit about myself.
I am David, I am 32 years old, I have played (and loved every minute of) my 17 years c&c career.
I am also a professional webmaster who only works online, meaning I create website for a living and monetize them through google adsense and other methods of "cpa" cost per action affiliation, for example, on worldgaming.us once logged in, I request you buy video games from 'e.b.games" (electronic boutique games), if you buy from the WGC^ website links... the WGC^ gets 15% all profits you give to eb games by purchasing through "our links"...
 I am telling you this because you should know that I have thousands of webstes all making me alot of money... So I am MORE THAN HAPPY to payback my community by providing some much lacked "motivation" for you generals out there to strive to win tournaments like this one...
I have no issue losing money in order to find the world's top three  ZH gamers.
More tournaments will follow and if clanwars.cc would please like to get behind me on this and ask gamereplays.org to advertise this tourney, perhaps we have a good thing going here and should get talking business.
Full steam ahead. cheers 
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 Edited By AskiKaCW [ 7/13/2011 12:27:12 AM ]
User Post Count:  Registered:  IP: NA
League Admin
   7/17/2011 10:44 AM
posting in thread: ($1,000usd zero hour 1v1 Tournament, December 20th)
20th December?
User Post Count: 143 Registered: Thursday, March 2, 2006 IP: NA
member #43,759
   7/20/2011 4:51 PM
posting in thread: ($1,000usd zero hour 1v1 Tournament, December 20th)
Yeah, if we are to find the world's best Zero Hour player, we need to give people enough time to practice for the tournament.
I have given then 5 months. Surely we will see some magnificent micro pros in five months time. 
Questions anyone?
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User Post Count:  Registered:  IP: NA
League Admin
   12/2/2011 8:39 AM
posting in thread: ($1,000usd zero hour 1v1 Tournament, December 20th)
Who did register so far?
User Post Count: 143 Registered: Thursday, March 2, 2006 IP: NA
1D10T   rank: #4
member #44,388
boss of   SMART
Fresh off of a pasting of #1 ranked clan: -UK|
   1/28/2012 3:11 PM
posting in thread: ($1,000usd zero hour 1v1 Tournament, December 20th)
Who won the 1000 dollars?
User Post Count: 1 Registered: Sunday, January 1, 2012 IP: NA
ARM^ZaRz   rank: #4
member #45,127
-- not in a clan --  
currently sits 131 points out of the lead
   7/2/2012 5:18 PM
posting in thread: ($1,000usd zero hour 1v1 Tournament, December 20th)
User Post Count: 1 Registered: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 IP: NA

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