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_Rob   rank: #2
member #26,480
captain of   ToD
Fresh off of a pasting of #1 ranked clan: [mm]
   10/5/2013 5:45 PM
posting in thread: (Rules of ClanWars)
Hello guys,
I have a problem with rule number 5.1. I cannot get any games vs the player ]GL[-Chuck. He systematically does not play me. Instead he plays the other guys excessively (month September he played 80 games vs clan Dru and lost 60 games). Just wondering about how this can be handled, I want to have a better competition in a league where we do not have that many active players. Chucks attitude falsifies every result!
In a tournament (which cw basically is) I guess it is not allowed according to the rules in chapter 5 to not play someone while playing a lot vs others. I want the admins to have a look on that and trying to solve this issue.
Thanks for taking care of the best possible competition.
User Post Count: 4 Registered: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 IP: NA
League Admin
   10/10/2013 8:12 AM
posting in thread: (Rules of ClanWars)
The CCG CW administration considers adjusting the rule 5.1 by either removing the last sentence or re-writing the rule completely.
The issue is that it's very hard to prove whether there is charged tactical dodging or other potentially valid explanations for a player's behaviour.
Please, everyone note that this league is longing for a good and fair competition for everybody. Common sense applies. This is a guideline, we do not intent to persecute anyone on that matter, but we do reseve the right to perform any kind of measures against excesses.
Thank you for understanding. 
User Post Count:  Registered:  IP: NA
-JoKeR^   rank: #2
member #26,367
member of   ToD
fresh off of power win number 40 this month
   10/13/2013 5:07 AM
posting in thread: (Rules of ClanWars)

there´s nothing hard to prove if someone of the top 5 clans only spams vs 3 of them and dodges the last one...
If someone doesn´t want to play a cw player he should leave cw !!! 
To call someone a real winner dodging should be forbidden in any kind of cases !!!
User Post Count: 6 Registered: Friday, April 6, 2012 IP: NA
_Rob   rank: #2
member #26,480
captain of   ToD
Fresh off of a pasting of #1 ranked clan: [mm]
   10/13/2013 3:35 PM
posting in thread: (Rules of ClanWars)
LoL, that's how you solve things like this? I want to have the chance playing the warrior Chuck. It's very simple to evaluate the head-to-head games and notice that one player does not play another. Furthermore there are screenshots which are clear.
Current situation sucks, I want to get more games.
User Post Count: 4 Registered: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 IP: NA
Chuck   rank: #1
member #23,428
boss of   -]GL[-
Fresh off of a pasting of #1 ranked clan: [EoE]
   10/19/2013 12:37 PM
posting in thread: (Rules of ClanWars)
such a kindergarten :D
User Post Count: 2 Registered: Monday, March 10, 2008 IP: NA
-JoKeR^   rank: #2
member #26,367
member of   ToD
fresh off of power win number 40 this month
   10/20/2013 4:10 AM
posting in thread: (Rules of ClanWars)
Ye, it really is :-(
Look, you played me 2 times ffg on friday. One time I was on nubaccount and one time you played me when I was on main-account. We had 2 fungames, I don´t see any problems there. No one is flaming you, no stress, nothing, just some games.
I can see where Rob is coming from. Just play some games and have fun, Chuck ! 
User Post Count: 6 Registered: Friday, April 6, 2012 IP: NA
_Rob   rank: #2
member #26,480
captain of   ToD
Fresh off of a pasting of #1 ranked clan: [mm]
   10/21/2013 6:30 AM
posting in thread: (Rules of ClanWars)
I am pretty convinced atm, that the issues will be solved very soon. You can close the thread and let the rules like they are.
Chuck and me are trying to work on my problem.
Thanks (and close please).
User Post Count: 4 Registered: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 IP: NA
League Admin
   10/22/2013 2:28 AM
posting in thread: (Rules of ClanWars)
The administration of CCG's CW has come to an agreement and the rules will be edited very soon.
Thanks for your patience. 
User Post Count:  Registered:  IP: NA
-JoKeR^   rank: #2
member #26,367
member of   ToD
fresh off of power win number 40 this month
   10/22/2013 7:15 PM
posting in thread: (Rules of ClanWars)
Ye, edit the rules :D like "You can dodge if u want" ... rofl
User Post Count: 6 Registered: Friday, April 6, 2012 IP: NA
-JoKeR^   rank: #2
member #26,367
member of   ToD
fresh off of power win number 40 this month
   10/24/2013 10:57 AM
posting in thread: (Rules of ClanWars)
How can that be... GL is still dodging me, spamming 90% of his games vs top 3 clans just not ToD !!!

He is number 1# clan atm and is allowed to dodge us ?!

Are you serious ?
He spams only vs Danzor and Murder... What a fair competition 
User Post Count: 6 Registered: Friday, April 6, 2012 IP: NA
-JoKeR^   rank: #2
member #26,367
member of   ToD
fresh off of power win number 40 this month
   10/26/2013 8:02 PM
posting in thread: (Rules of ClanWars)
User Post Count: 6 Registered: Friday, April 6, 2012 IP: NA
Chuck   rank: #1
member #23,428
boss of   -]GL[-
Fresh off of a pasting of #1 ranked clan: [EoE]
   10/27/2013 10:15 AM
posting in thread: (Rules of ClanWars)
could write a lot but there is no point to jump into that troll discussion, result is clear anyway, if the cw admin team wants a statement from me just send me a pm. and dumberman, stalk and provoke someone else.
User Post Count: 2 Registered: Monday, March 10, 2008 IP: NA
-JoKeR^   rank: #2
member #26,367
member of   ToD
fresh off of power win number 40 this month
   10/27/2013 5:18 PM
posting in thread: (Rules of ClanWars)
I provoke when I ask for a game ?
User Post Count: 6 Registered: Friday, April 6, 2012 IP: NA
League Admin
   3/16/2014 7:44 PM
posting in thread: (Rules of ClanWars)
The Rules have been revised and adjusted.
User Post Count:  Registered:  IP: NA

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