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member #103
   4/12/2014 4:18 AM
posting in thread: (Hi)
Dont know if anyone remembers me, used to play in .BR. with storm, n00belite, helldoom, tal0n and a few others. Excited ren x is out! man seems like along time since visiting these forums, is anyone playing clan games?
I think my old nicks were tehuK, ukbadb0y and loads of others I cant remember lol. 
Is anyone from DOA, PAW, FC or LT still around?  

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 Edited By TehuK [ 4/12/2014 4:21:32 AM ]

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 Edited By TehuK [ 4/12/2014 4:23:30 AM ]
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member #21
   4/18/2014 12:44 PM
posting in thread: (Hi)
whats up man.. its helldoom. nobody is around anymore lol
the only ren players that still play use ts.jelly-server.com - im usually there for a few hours about 9pm CST.
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member #103
   5/1/2014 4:58 PM
posting in thread: (Hi)
Dayum, thought some people would come back from ren x, seems dead, good to hear from you man hope you doing well. 
User Post Count:  Registered:  IP: NA
member #64
   5/13/2014 8:20 AM
posting in thread: (Hi)

Ren x trash  gg

Ruined everything in life

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member #16
   5/19/2014 7:07 PM
posting in thread: (Hi)
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member #117
   12/9/2014 2:40 PM
posting in thread: (Hi)
ukbadb0y! helldoom! I remember you both. I hope you're both doing well. Long live -LT-!
User Post Count:  Registered:  IP: NA

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