10/29/2023 10:12 AM
posting in thread: (Time For Ren)
Attention all Clanwar Players! Organized games are in full effect! Games happen all day everyday! https://discord.gg/wAw2X4WH87 we can help you reinstall! Email [email protected] if link doesnt work
Current Active Roster: Moby2222(simpee) soqlogi nunega(jamie) zell xtremepro wiggles poison karmai tunaman cptawesome (kobraops) sketchz destroyer ipullhose monkeyz crushu06 knoc italy vultima stoned09 goztow hondax pyro inspector tragedy shava Other Members Not as active: Whiskey Trojan helldoom(suns) soulster TD mike(alfonso) bombzu(sel) soqnighty i0ncloud9(lynx) cyba dan(shadypies) illnobody ramrod twix anthrax orca(finalren) bassichamp, jayr(bizoelite) soqjason jblforce renebad cyba mudkips cmpsknight vexano.
Ragequit members: Hitman47 for his mental health
Players waiting to have join and have been in comms with: Kill (isitinyou) bluelabel wrs spaz diehardnl clearshot heat
RIP Spoony 2021 lets play in his honor!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Edited By mobywan [ 11/9/2023 5:55:15 PM ]
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Edited By mobywan [ 2/7/2024 8:09:01 AM ]
User Post Count:
rank: #1
member #5,866
boss of
fresh off of power win number 10 this month
11/9/2023 5:54 PM
posting in thread: (Time For Ren)
And we have a cool new elo system on server 😎
User Post Count: 47
Registered: Friday, December 14, 2012