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member #1,504
   12/12/2008 12:19 PM
posting in thread: (Need violation rule clarification)
I have read the rules numerous times, but I am not sure on what the situation is behind adding new players to your clan during the middle of a season.
Lets say my clan defeats player B.  But, we decide player B is a great player and we want him part of our clan.  Player B leaves his clan and joins our clan.
Is that against the rules?

If it is breaking the rules. What if player B closes clan B and then joins our clan? Is that still breaking the rules?
If that is still breaking the rules. What if we file an AM for all games against clan B to have them removed from the record.  Can that be considered ok?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Edited By esQ.NadeShark [ 12/12/2008 1:05:06 PM ]
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member #572
   12/13/2008 10:28 AM
posting in thread: (Need violation rule clarification)
it's not against the rules; just your clan can NEVER play clan B again until a new tournament starts
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member #572
   12/13/2008 10:29 AM
posting in thread: (Need violation rule clarification)
oh and any OLD games played against clan B will be removed as well.  So if you want to recruit a player do so the first day of a new tournament.  If you do so in the middle of a tournament all games played between your clan and ANY OTHER clan the new recruit ever played for all month long (before and/or after) become violations and get removed.
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member #572
   12/13/2008 10:31 AM
posting in thread: (Need violation rule clarification)
why this is - is because in the early days of clanwars people would make a fake clan and feed points to themselves, the the players (since this was staged) would form a new fake clan, rinse repeat.  Then they'd all join their real clan at the end of the month to concerntrate on winning the cup.
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member #572
   12/13/2008 10:32 AM
posting in thread: (Need violation rule clarification)
summary: only recruit people on the first day of a new month and you'll be safe.  All ties to all clans and players are removed at midnight on day 2 of a tournament.
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member #1,504
   12/13/2008 2:52 PM
posting in thread: (Need violation rule clarification)
Replying to post #5   12/13/2008 10:32 AM
Thanks for the clarification.
So as I understand it, we can recruit players midseason, but we will lose all previous games against any clan that player was in during the season.
Also, we may never play those clans again.
User Post Count:  Registered:  IP: NA

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