Welcome to the league!
This is all very new to me to admin a league. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please let me know!
I am also looking for 1 admin to help me out, assuming we actually get busy, so please mail me regarding that.
Good luck, and don't forget to report your matches responsibly!
Hey guys,
Just a friendly reminder - please wait at least 1 hour after a match has been played before filing an AR. If you need to, just keep a notepad file of all your wins and then check into it after you're done playing.
We're seeing way too many AR's from players that occur not even half an hour after the match was played.
Even if someone tells you directly that they're not going to report, please wait the full hour.
To those of you not reporting your matches:
We're cracking down on non-reports. If you get AR'd 5 times in a month we'll reset your warrior points. If your clan acquires 15 total AR's, we'll reset the clan points.
When you choose not to report you are just creating more work for our admins. You're not going to get out of the loss. Our admins work very hard to bring you a functional league and we'd appreciate your efforts to comply with the rules. It makes all our lives easier :).