Hello i'm djowns and i am looking for a clan
Rank:669(currently, will go up, trust me:D)
prefered leader: Forge
leader w/l breakdown:
Cpt. Cutter: 0/1 (i accidently forgot to change leader lol)
Seargent Forge: 8/0
Prof. Anders:0/1 (wanted to try her out lol)
Brute Chieftain: 0/0
Arbiter: 1/4 (used to be a huge arbiter fanatic
Prophet of Regret: 0/0
Playlist w/l:
1v1: 1/4 (all arbiter lol)
2v2 no team entry: 8/2 (my cpt. Cutter and Ander's losses)
Preferred playlist:
Games Played daily:
Please choose me for your clan(please don't be a bad clan)
Any other questions? post them and i will answer all of them ASAP